Dosbox x86
Dosbox x86


GitHub - xor2003libdosbox

Areverseengineeringtoolkitthatenablesthepreciseconversionof16-bitDOSbinarycodeintoworkingC++code.ItisaforkoftheDOSBox-stagingemulator, ...

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DOSBox-X is an open-source DOS emulator for running DOS applications and games. DOS-based Windows such as Windows 3.x and Windows 9x are officially supported.

在Linux 上安裝DOSBox

x86/DOS emulator with sound and graphics. DOSBox-X is an open-source DOS emulator for running DOS games and applications. DOS-based Windows such as Windows 3.x ...

在Linux 上安裝DOSBox

x86/DOS emulator with sound and graphics. DOSBox is a DOS-emulator using SDL for easy portability to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to ...

GitHub - xor2003libdosbox

A reverse engineering toolkit that enables the precise conversion of 16-bit DOS binary code into working C++ code. It is a fork of the DOSBox-staging emulator, ...

DOSBox download

DOSBox emulates a full x86 pc with sound and DOS. Its main use is to run old DOS games on platforms which don't have DOS (Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 / Linux ...

Download DOSBox DOS Emulator

DOSBox ; Gentoo Linux, 0.74, portage ; OS/2, 0.74, exe (OS2) ; Solaris 10 - sparc, 0.73, pkg ; BeOS, 0.63, binary (x86) ; Old dosbox versions, 0.50-0.74-2, source + ...

DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS

DOSBox 0.74-3 has been released! A security release for DOSBox 0.74: Fixed that a very long line inside a bat file would overflow the parsing buffer.


DOSBox-Xisanopen-sourceDOSemulatorforrunningDOSapplicationsandgames.DOS-basedWindowssuchasWindows3.xandWindows9xareofficiallysupported.,x86/DOSemulatorwithsoundandgraphics.DOSBox-Xisanopen-sourceDOSemulatorforrunningDOSgamesandapplications.DOS-basedWindowssuchasWindows3.x ...,x86/DOSemulatorwithsoundandgraphics.DOSBoxisaDOS-emulatorusingSDLforeasyportabilitytodifferentplatforms.DOSBoxhasalread...